From Text to Media: Automating iMessages with AppleScript

By JoeVu, at: Nov. 22, 2024, 10:42 a.m.

Estimated Reading Time: __READING_TIME__ minutes

From Text to Media: Automating iMessages with AppleScript
From Text to Media: Automating iMessages with AppleScript

From Text to Media: Automating iMessages with AppleScript

After successfully automating text messages with AppleScript, I decided to push the boundaries and explore sending multimedia content—images, audio files, and even random text messages. This new venture revealed both exciting possibilities and unexpected challenges.


Step 1: Crafting the Script

To send an image or audio file, AppleScript needs to interact with both the Messages app and the macOS file system. Here's a simplified version of the script I initially used:

tell application "Messages"
    set targetBuddy to "[email protected]"
    set targetService to id of 1st service whose service type = iMessage
    set theMessage to "Check this out!"
    set theFile to POSIX file "/path/to/your/file.jpg"
    send theFile to buddy targetBuddy of service id targetService
end tell

For sending random text messages, I created a list of pre-written messages and used a simple randomizer:

set randomMessages to {"Hello!", "How's it going?", "This is automated but still thoughtful!", "Random message time!"}
set theMessage to some item of randomMessage


Step 2: The Initial Success

When I first tested the script, the files sent perfectly, and I saw the multimedia messages pop up in iMessage. Everything seemed to work as expected.


Step 3: The Mystery of Failed Messages

However, after running the script a few more times, I noticed something odd. While text messages went through consistently, the image and audio files began failing after a few minutes. The files simply wouldn’t send, and no error was reported by the script.


Step 4: Troubleshooting

After several attempts to debug, I discovered that changing the file directory resolved the issue. Initially, I was sourcing files from the Music folder, but switching to Pictures or Downloads made the script work flawlessly again. This led me to suspect that the issue was related to macOS permissions, as certain apps like Messages may have restricted access to specific directories.


Updated Script

Here’s the revised script with the corrected file directory:

tell application "Messages"
    set targetBuddy to "[email protected]"
    set targetService to id of 1st service whose service type = iMessage
    set theFile to POSIX file "/Users/joe/Downloads/test_image.jpg" -- Updated directory
    send theFile to buddy targetBuddy of service id targetService
end tell


Insights on Permissions

This experience highlights an important aspect of macOS security:

  • Sandboxing and Permissions: Some directories, like Music, may have additional restrictions when accessed by third-party apps or scripts.
  • Workarounds: Using more permissive directories like Pictures or Downloads can often resolve such issues.

Next Steps

The process of automating media messages with AppleScript taught me the importance of understanding file permissions and adapting to system constraints. Moving forward, I plan to:

  • Explore dynamic file selection for a more interactive script.
  • Experiment with combining text and multimedia messages.
  • Test integration with Automator to schedule these scripts.


Sending multimedia content with AppleScript was a rewarding challenge. While the permissions issue added complexity, overcoming it deepened my understanding of macOS’s inner workings. If you’re venturing into AppleScript automation, remember: persistence is key, and sometimes the solution is as simple as choosing the right folder.


The full content of the applescript is here

-- Define the recipient email address
set recipientEmail to "[email protected]"

-- Specify the full path to the audio file
-- set audioFilePath to "/Users/joe/Pictures/2345.png"
set audioFilePath to "/Users/joe/Pictures/1.m4a"
--set audioFilePath to "/Users/joe/Pictures/1.mp3"

-- List of predefined messages
set messageList to {"Hello from the Glinteco", "This is fun script", "Play around with Glinteco"}

-- Select a random message
set randomIndex to random number from 1 to (count messageList)
set randomMessage to item randomIndex of messageList

-- Ensure the audio file exists using Finder
set audioFile to POSIX file audioFilePath
tell application "Finder"
    if not (exists audioFile) then
        display dialog "The specified audio file does not exist." buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
    end if
end tell

-- Send the iMessage with the random message and the audio file
tell application "Messages"
    set targetService to 1st account whose service type = iMessage
    set targetBuddy to participant recipientEmail of targetService
    -- Send the random message first
    send randomMessage to targetBuddy
    -- Pause to ensure the message is sent before the file
    delay 1
    -- Send the audio file
    send file audioFile to targetBuddy
end tell


Tag list:
- AppleScript troubleshooting tips
- AppleScript random text messages
- Sending images via iMessage
- AppleScript file directory permissions
- AppleScript automation
- AppleScript iMessage permissions
- Automate iMessage media files
- macOS automation tools
- Send iMessage with AppleScript
- AppleScript multimedia messaging


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