Our team began by renovating the user interface and user experience (UI/UX) to create a more intuitive and aesthetically pleasing platform. We undertook a comprehensive code cleanup to ensure the website's codebase was not only cleaner but also more efficient. This involved optimizing existing functionalities and removing redundant code, which significantly sped up the site's performance.
EIR VietNam
To further enhance the website's reliability and scalability, we migrated the existing database and server infrastructure. This step ensured better data management and improved load times, offering a seamless user experience even during peak traffic periods.

Additionally, we re-designed all images and photos on the website to align with the new aesthetic goals. This not only refreshed the visual appeal but also optimized the images for faster loading times.

This renovation has not only revitalized jmcg-eir.co.jp but also set a new standard in how they engage with their visitors online. The upgraded site now supports increased visitor numbers and provides a solid foundation for future digital initiatives.
