[TIPS] Python - QR Code Exploration

By khoanc, at: 18:05 Ngày 25 tháng 2 năm 2024

Thời gian đọc ước tính: 13 min read

[TIPS] Python - QR Code Exploration
[TIPS] Python - QR Code Exploration

Python - QR Code Exploration


Introduction to QR Codes

QR codes (Quick Response codes), are two-dimensional barcodes that have become an important tool in digital communication and transactions. These codes store a wide variety of information, from URLs and contact details to Wi-Fi passwords, and are easily scanned using smartphones and dedicated devices. Originating in the automotive industry in Japan for tracking parts, their use has expanded globally across various sectors due to their capacity to hold more data and their quick readability. In this digital age, QR codes facilitate a seamless connection between physical objects and online resources, making them invaluable for marketing, payments, authentication, and more.

As Python's rise as a popular programming language, its dynamic ecosystem of libraries offers powerful tools for generating and decoding QR codes. This article explores how to leverage Python for working with QR codes, covering everything from generating basic codes to integrating them into applications, and highlighting the best practices for their creation and usage. Whether you're a developer, marketer, or tech enthusiast, understanding QR codes in Python opens up a world of possibilities for digital innovation and efficiency.


Python Libraries for QR Code Generation and Decoding

Python's extensive library ecosystem simplifies the process of QR code generation and decoding. 

1. qrcode

  • Pros:

    • Easy to use, making it ideal for beginners.
    • Supports basic QR code customization options like size and border.
    • Can embed a logo or image inside the QR code.
  • Cons:

    • Limited advanced customization options compared to some other libraries.
    • Less efficient for generating large batches of QR codes quickly.
  • Installation:

    pip install qrcode[pil]
  • Code Snippet Example:

    import qrcode
    # Simple QR Code generation
    img = qrcode.make('https://www.example.com')

    # Advance usage

    import qrcode
    qr = qrcode.QRCode(
    qr.add_data('Some data')
    img = qr.make_image(fill_color="black", back_color="white")


2. Segno

  • Pros:

    • Generates both QR codes and Micro QR codes, offering flexibility for different applications.
    • Provides extensive customization options, including artistic effects.
    • High efficiency and performance in generating QR codes.
  • Cons:

    • Slightly more complex API, which might require a steeper learning curve for beginners.
    • Not as widely used as qrcode, which might lead to fewer community resources.
  • Installation:

    pip install segno
  • Code Snippet Example:

    import segno
    # Generate QR code
    qr = segno.make('https://www.example.com', micro=False)
    # Save as PNG

Each library has its strengths and ideal use cases, from simple QR code generation to complex projects requiring detailed customization or the creation of Micro QR codes. By selecting the library that best fits your project's needs, you can leverage Python's capabilities to integrate QR code functionality seamlessly into your applications.


An Exceptional Package for QR Code - Amazing QR

The "amazing-qr" package is a creative Python library for generating QR codes with unique graphical enhancements, such as the inclusion of images, GIFs, and color gradients. This library offers an innovative approach to QR code generation, aiming to make QR codes not only functional but also visually appealing.


  • Visual Appeal: Allows embedding images or GIFs within QR codes, making them more engaging and suitable for marketing or branding.
  • Customization: Offers extensive customization options, including color gradients and image adjustments, to ensure the QR code aligns with specific aesthetic preferences.
  • Versatility: Supports generating both static and animated QR codes, broadening the scope of applications.


  • Complexity: The added visual features may introduce complexity in the QR code generation process, requiring more time to design and test for readability.
  • Size and Readability: Enhanced QR codes can be larger in size and may pose readability issues on some devices or under certain conditions, necessitating careful design and testing.
  • Specific Use Cases: The advanced features may not be necessary for all projects, especially where simple QR codes suffice.


The amazing-qr package can be installed via pip. Open your terminal or command prompt and enter the following command:

pip install amazing-qr

Ensure you have Python and pip installed on your system before running this command.

Code Snippet Example:

Below is a basic example of how to generate a QR code with an embedded image using the amazing-qr package:

from MyQR import myqr
import os

# Generate QR code with an embedded image
version, level, qr_name = myqr.run(

# This generates a QR code linking to https://www.example.com, embedding 'path/to/image.png' within the QR code.

In this code snippet, replace 'https://glinteco.com/en/' with the URL or text you wish to encode, and 'path/to/image.png' with the path to the image you want to embed in the QR code. The save_name parameter determines the file name of the generated QR code.


Difficulties with QR Code Generators

  1. Data Capacity Limitation: QR codes have a finite amount of data they can store, which varies depending on the version (size) of the QR code and the level of error correction applied. Balancing the need for more data with the physical size and readability of the QR code can be challenging.

  2. Customization vs. Readability: While customization (like adding logos, changing colors, or applying unique shapes) can make QR codes more appealing and aligned with branding, it can also impact their readability. Ensuring that custom QR codes remain easily scannable by all devices is a key challenge.

  3. Error Correction Level: Choosing the right error correction level is crucial. Higher error correction levels ensure the QR code remains readable even if part of it is obscured or damaged. However, this increases the QR code's size and complexity, which can be an issue in space-constrained applications.

  4. Optimal Encoding: QR codes can encode data in various modes (numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary, and kanji). Selecting the most efficient encoding to minimize the QR code size while accommodating the data can be complex, especially for dynamic content.


Difficulties with QR Code Readers

  1. Lighting and Contrast: QR codes require sufficient contrast between the code and the background to be readable. Poor lighting conditions or low contrast can make scanning difficult or impossible.

  2. Physical Damage: QR codes are designed to withstand some level of damage or obscuration thanks to error correction, but extensive damage or wear can render them unreadable.

  3. Camera Quality and Scanning Distance: The ability of a device to read a QR code can depend heavily on the camera's quality and the distance from the code. Older smartphones or cameras with low resolutions may struggle to scan codes, especially from a distance or if the QR code is very dense.

  4. Angle and Orientation: While QR codes are designed to be scanned from any orientation, extreme angles or skewed perspectives can challenge some readers, requiring the user to adjust their scanning approach.

  5. Software Compatibility: The QR code reader software must be capable of decoding the specific data encoded in the QR code, whether it's a simple URL, contact information (vCard), or more complex formats. Compatibility issues between the QR code's content and the reader's capabilities can prevent successful decoding.

  6. Security Concerns: Malicious QR codes can direct users to phishing sites or download malware. QR code readers must carefully manage how they handle data, potentially scanning for malicious links or providing user warnings.


Conclusion: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Future Improvements

Generating and reading QR codes in Python illustrates the balance between ease of use and the complexities involved with this versatile technology. While libraries like qrcode, python-qrcode, and Segno offer robust tools for QR code creation and customization, several challenges must be navigated to ensure effectiveness and security.


The Future of QR Codes

Looking ahead, the evolution of QR code technology promises to address these challenges, with potential developments including:

  • Augmented Reality: Integrating QR codes with AR for more immersive experiences.
  • IoT Integration: Embedding QR codes more seamlessly into Internet of Things devices for smarter connectivity.
  • Advanced Personalization: Offering users more personalized interactions through dynamic QR codes.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about QR Codes in Python

Q1: What is the best Python library for generating QR codes?

A1: The "best" library depends on your specific needs. For basic QR code generation, qrcode is straightforward and user-friendly. For more customization options, Segno offers a wide range of features, including generating Micro QR codes. Evaluate your project requirements to choose the most suitable library.

Q2: Can I add a logo to my QR code using Python?

A2: Yes, you can add a logo to a QR code. Libraries like qrcode allow for easy embedding of logos or images within the QR code. However, ensure that the logo does not cover too much of the QR code to maintain its readability.

Q3: How do I read a QR code in Python?

A3: To read QR codes, you can use libraries such as pyzbar. First, install the library using pip (pip install pyzbar), then use it to decode QR codes from images. Ensure you have a compatible image capture method if you're reading from a live camera feed.

Q4: Are QR codes secure?

A4: QR codes themselves are just data containers and are as secure as the data or links they contain. The security risk mainly comes from maliciously crafted QR codes that lead to harmful websites or downloads. Always scan QR codes from trusted sources, and consider implementing URL safety checks in your QR code reading applications.

Q5: How much data can a QR code store?

A5: The storage capacity of a QR code depends on the version (size), the error correction level, and the encoding mode (numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary, kanji). A QR code can store up to 3,000 alphanumeric characters, but practical limits for quick scanning are much lower. Consider using short URLs or other data compression techniques for complex information.

Q6: Can QR codes expire?

A6: The QR code itself does not expire since it's just a representation of data. However, the content it points to, such as a URL, can expire or become inaccessible. For dynamic content, consider using a URL that you can control or update as needed.

Q7: How do I make my QR codes more readable?

A7: To improve readability, ensure your QR codes have a high contrast between the foreground and background, use an appropriate size and error correction level for your application, and avoid overly complex designs or excessive customization that could obscure the code.

Q8: Is it possible to track QR code scans?

A8: Yes, you can track QR code scans by using dynamic QR codes that point to URLs which you can monitor. Services that generate dynamic QR codes often provide analytics on scans, including the number of times the code was scanned, the location of the scans, and the time of scans.

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